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Assignment Quick Guide

What is the Assignment activity?

Assignments allow students to submit work to their teacher for grading or teachers to enter grade for offline activity. The work may be text typed online or uploaded files of any type the teacher’s device can read. Grading may be by simple percentages or custom scales, or more complex rubrics may be used. Students may submit as individuals or in groups.

How is it set up?

  • In a course, with the editing turned on, choose 'Assignment' from the activity chooser.
  • Give it a name and, in the description explain what the students must submit. You can upload a help or example document from the Additional files area or you can insert a video in the description area.
  • Expand the other settings to select, for example, availability times, grading category, how you want them to submit and how you plan to give them feedback. (Comment inline allows you to annotate directly on their submitted work.)
  • If you want them to verify they are submitting their own work, or if you want to prevent them changing their submission once uploaded, explore the Submission settings. To have them submit in group, explore Group submission settings (ensuring your course has groups)
  • To use a rubric instead of a single grade scale, change the Grading method to Rubric and, once the assignment is saved&displayed, create or locate the rubric from the Advanced grading link in the Assignment drop-down menu or the gear icon menu.

Note: Ask your administrator to check the assignment defaults if you are missing a particular setting.

Setup for online submission

If you want your students submit their work online by uploading a file or typing their responses into a textbox, select one of the appropriate options under submission types setting.

Online text: Students type their responses directly in Radix using a text editor. Students may insert multimedia or paste URLs into this textbox. It's possible to set a word limit on an online text assignment. Students get a warning if they try to exceed the word limit. Numbers are counted as words and abbreviations such as I'm or they're are counted as single words.

File submissions: Students can upload one or more files of any type the teacher can open. The teacher can annotate uploaded PDFs, docx and odt files within the browser, and on saving, the annotated file is made available to the student. 

Document conversion requires the document converter to be enabled for files types other than .pdf. Please contact your administrator to set this up for your site.

In the screenshot below, a docx file has been uploaded and converted so that the teacher may use the annotation tools to comment directly on the student's assignment.

Maximum submission size: The maximum upload size refers to each file a student uploads. It cannot be larger than the limit in the Course settings. Accepted file types The teacher can specify the types of file the students may upload to the assignment. A file type selector appears upon clicking 'Choose' , offering a choice of different file types. (See the video File type selection for more information.) Leaving the field blank will allow all file types.

If the file types have been restricted, then when students attempt to submit the assignment, they will see a message telling them which files are accepted:

How does it work?

Student view

  • Students click the assignment link and click “Add submission” (1)
  • Depending on the assignment settings, they either have a text box into which to type their work or an upload area to submit their file (2)
  • They may be able to return to their work and redraft it, or they might have to click a submit button to send in a final version which cannot be changed

Teacher view:

  • Once students have submitted work, click on the assignment and click “View/Grade Single Submission”, or if this is an offline assignment that does not require students to submit anything, click "View/Grade all submissions".
  • The exact view depends on the teacher and admin settings.
  • When  “View/Grade Single Submission” clicked as seen below, the submission may be annotated (1) and/or downloaded (2); a grade entered (3) and individual feedback given (4). The teacher saves the changes (5) and moves to the next student (6)

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