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Lesson Plans

Teachers can create, share and copy shared lesson plans on Radix LMS.

My Lesson Plans is the page you will see all of your lesson plans you have created or copied. The list will include the draft plans that you are still working on. Any LPs that are approved by the admins will be highlighted in green.

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Create a lesson plan

To add a new lesson plan, click on "Add" button on top left corner of the my lesson plan list or "Add Lesson Plan" link under curriculum.

Once the process started, you will have four steps/tabs to go through and add the necessary components of your plan.

1- Profile

At this step, you will select the date from-to, grade level(s) this plan applies to and the course(s) this plan belongs to. It is important to make the correct selection at this step since the information that will be populated in the following steps will be based on the grade level and courses selected. All courses must be in the course directory with an official course code to be able create a lesson plan for them. If you receive a message saying otherwise, please contact your school admin.

The LP will be saved as a draft once the first step is completed and saved successfully. Which means you can come back to this LP later to continue from where you left off.

2- Title & Objectives

This steps consists of the Title, Goals, Essential Questions, Benchmarks, Skills, Vocabulary, Differentiation and Assessments sections. All required fields must be filled in to save and go the next step.

Most of the sections have a search ready drop down list which consists of previously entered information for the selected courses. All new data saved for a course will be available to teachers to use after the LP is approved by admin.

  • To search/filter for something in the drop-down list, start typing a word. When found, click on the item or use down arrow to highlight it and press enter. to remove the selected item, just click on it.
  • If not found, "No suggestions" will appear in the drop-down list. Pressing enter will add your custom item to the list.

  • Vocabulary drop-down box has the ability to add your comma separated items individually. Once you paste the list of vocabs. into the search box, press enter. they will all be added individually.

3- Outline & Procedures

This tab will have the outline section where you have the detailed procedures or day by day activities listed. You will be able to attach a document or copy/paste your daily plan into the text editor in this section.

4- Review & Submit

This tab is to review all the entries you have made and go back to edit if needed. Once you have proceeded to this tab from the previous one via "save & next", there is no need to submit the LP. It is already saved and submitted.

Copy Lesson Plans

You are able to copy lesson plans from previous years or from other teachers once they are submitted. To do that, go to "Shared Lesson Plans" page and search lesson plans by subject, course, teacher or a keyword in the title.


Depending on the course code of the copied lesson plan, some items may not match your current course(s) selected. For a full match, copied LP and your course(s) must have the same universal code.

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