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Managing content

Radix LMS is not primarily a content management system but it does offer a range of ways to import, export, and manage digital content of any kind to enable and support learning. The following links will provide more information:

  • Working with files - how to upload files and folders to Radix LMS.
  • Repositories - how to import content into Radix LMS from external storage sites like Flickr, Youtube, Google docs, etc.
  • Portfolios - how to export content from Radix LMS into external portfolios like Picasa or Google Drive.
  • Working with media - how best to upload and display images, sound, video, and embedded content.
  • Data formats - formats for downloading data such as logs, assignment submissions, quiz results, and feedback responses.
  • Filters - how to display links, media players, Maths symbols, emoticons, and more.
  • Plagiarism prevention - how to check students' submitted work is not copied.
  • Download course content - course items, such as content from the File, Folder, Page and Label can be downloaded

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