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Report cards/Progress reports

Report cards are printable pdf reports of students' academic, behavior, and attendance records. They can be created by the school admins for the entire school. Progress reports, on the other hand, are unofficial instant reports of the students that the teachers, students, and parents can generate. These reports reflect the student's records for the date and time they are generated.

Generating report cards for all students (Admins)

School admins can generate report cards at any time but usually at the end of the grading periods (Quarter or Semester). The progress reports are usually the ones generated in the mid-term. To start generating them, first, the global Report Card Plugin settings must be configured correctly. These settings are located under School >> Report Card

Report card plugin settings

The report card plugin settings are global configurations that will determine the content of both report cards created by the admins and instant progress reports generated by the parents or students on their dashboards.

Report card plugin settings

If you want a cover page for your report card, check the first box that says "Add Cover to PR".

The records that can be added to the report cards are attendance, conduct logs, commendations in different formats.

To include the teacher's comments on the report card summary page, make sure to check the "Add comments to PR" option. If you want your homeroom teachers to give overall comments, check the box next to “Add overall comments to PR”. These settings will also require the comments to be enabled for each report card generated.

Detailed course reports can be included in the report cards by checking the "Add detailed course pages to PR" option. This will show all the activities with grades with their effect on the course average.

You can decide which term's average you want to show on the summary page by checking the ones under "Select this field(s) on the PR summary page". Unchecking a term on this list will not remove the term title on the summary page, but just the grade average. It would be a good idea not to show the future term averages when you are generating a report card for the current term.

You can chose to show decimal points on the report card summary page. If turned on, two decimal points will be shown for the numerical grades on the report card summary page. If turne off, the grades will be rounded to the nearest whole number. For example, 89.51 will be shown as 90 and the letter grade will show a "B". You can match the rounded grade with its letter grade by updating the ranges of “letter” grade settings via "Site administration >Grades >Letters"

The logo added to the settings will show up on the cover page under the report card title.

The other contents you can control on this page are category averages, percent scale information, benchmark tests, and signature page.

How to show category averages on the report card summary

The category averages can be included on the report card summary page under each course. The configuration for this option is located on the report card plugin settings. You have the option to include any or all departments or courses in this configuration. That way, you can pick the courses for which you want to show the category averages. The list of the courses to select can be found under School >> Report Card >> Courses for Category Grades

Category averages on the summary page will be shown like below.

Decimal points shown on RC summary, grades not rounded.

Percent scales on the summary page

To show the percent scale information on the report card summary page, the configuration below needs to be checked. These scales will be presented at the footer of the summary page. By default, the elementary scales are always shown on the summary page if any of the courses use them.

Settings to include letter (%) scale information.

Grading scales on the report card.

Adding the report card

Once the global settings are configured, you are ready to generate your report card. Go to School >> Report Card >> Report Cards to start the generation process.

List of report card generated, click add to add your RC

Name and save your RC to go back to the list.

Here, you are determining the name of the folder, whether or not you want to enable this report card to students right away, which grades you want to enable them to, and if you want to open this report card for comments from teachers. The only required field for the folder is the name. The rest of the configurations can be changed later after or before you generate your report card.

Generating the report card

Once the report card is added, you are now ready to generate them.

Click on the play button to go to the page where other information will be added and the process will be started.

At the last step of generating report cards, you will configure the additional titles, sorting method, and term you are generating the report card for. The comments added by your teachers can be shown on the report card if you checked that option. An email will be sent to the user who generated them when these report cards are ready. You can add more emails to notify in the "Email address" field. Once you click on "Create progress reports", it will take 10-20 minutes for it to finish and send an email. See screenshot below:

This is the final step to creating report cards.

1- Title, subtitle(s), and date to appear on the report card cover page

2- Search/sort criteria: The name format of the pdf report card files for easy distribution

3- Day and period on which you want your report card names to be based.

If the student does not have a course assigned on the selected day and period, you will

still have a report card printed but will not have the teacher on the pdf file name.

4- The term you want your report card to be created for. If you check the "show all records" option

it will show future assignments of the term in the detailed report. If not checked, only assignments

up to the report card generation date will be shown.

5- Teachers' comments can be shown if this is checked.

6- Additional email addresses to send a notification when the report card is ready.

Review or re-generate report cards

Once the generation of the report cards is completed, new icons will appear at the end of the list. 

Edit report card settings such as to enable for students/parents, open for comments, notify parents/students.

Delete report cards. If the report card has any comments added by teachers, you can not delete it.

Re-generate the report cards. When you click on this button, you will have a chance to change report card settings before re-generation.

This operation will delete the previously generated PDFs for this report card and generate the new ones.

Save all of the generated PDFs to your computer as a zip file.

See the list of the report cards generated for each student. You can search by student's name and check the accuracy of the reports.

Enable report card comments.

Once the report card is opened for comments, teachers can add comments for students, which will appear under each course on the summary page. Administrators will then have the option to show the comments on the report card when generating them.

Open report card for teachers to comment

Show report teacher comments on the report card

How the teachers add comments to report cards

To find the report card to add comments, teachers will need to go to School >> Report card >> "Name of the report card". If the overall comments are enabled too, homeroom teachers will see two links for the same report card, one for overall and another one for course comments. On this page, teachers can filter students by course, period, or name. The comments added in the text boxes will be automatically saved. These comments can be changed until the report cards are generated. Any changes done on the comments will not be reflected in the pdf reports after they are generated.

Accessing the report card comment page

Add report card comments

Note: From the same menu link, administrators can see the comments teachers add, but they can not add/change any comments.

Course comment example on report card

Overall comment example on report card

How to notify parents/students about the available report cards

Parents and students can be notified when a report card is generated and enabled. Only after these conditions will the notify option be available to select. Once the notification is selected and submitted, the students and parents will receive a notification on their mobile apps, on their browsers, and via email (if the user preference for email is turned on) within 10-20 minutes. The site admin should make sure that the parent role has the required permission on the site to receive these notifications.

Edit report card

Enable to see notify option

Select "yes" and submit

Uploading External Reports

External report is a great way to present a student’s progress from any source in pdf format. The pre-requisite to be able to utilize this feature is to have each student’s report on a separate pdf file that is named using the student’s id number.

For example, if student John Doe’s student ID number is 3213234, the file containing his report must be named 3213234.pdf

If you are planning on uploading the reports for all or part of your students in bulk, you must compress all the pdf files into a single zip file.

The external report upload page is located under the Report Card menu:

Upload External Reports

On this page, you will see the list of external reports you have already uploaded with other information such as wheater or not it is enabled for students/parents, grades it is enabled, the number of files in the report folder, modification, and creation time. Click on the “Add” button to name your report.

List of external reports

On the next page, name your external report. This will be the name students/parents see on their dashboards. If you want to, enable this report for parents and students and select which grade levels should see this report. After you save and upload the reports, you can come back to this page to send a notification message to the parents and students letting them know that the report is ready for them to view. Click “Save & Next” to go to the upload page.

Add an external report

On the below page, you will be uploading a pdf file or a zip file containing multiple pdf files. Remember, the files must be named using the student’s ID number. Select your file, or drag-drop into the dotted box and click “Upload External Reports” button.

Upload the files

Once completed, you should see an output like below showing the result of upload for each file. From here on, you can go back to the external reports list and see the uploaded pdf files.

Upload output

Action icons:

Upload pdf files to the report. This operation will overwrite the previously uplaoded PDFs for this report.

Edit external report settings such as name, enable for students/parents, notify parents/students.

Delete external report and ALL uploaded pdf files. This operation can’t be reversed!

Save all of the uploaded PDFs to your computer as a zip file.

See the list of the external pdf reports uploaded for each student. You can search by student's first and last name or ID number.

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