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Radix LMS updates - Nov 1, 2021

These changes have been rolled out since October 20, 2021. Please click on the corresponding links to learn more about the change or the new feature. The changes are labeled based on the primary target role and related plugin.

Add file attachments to referrals


Administrators can now attach a file to a referral when they are processing it. The attachments would only be visible to school admins or deans who have access to the discipline management module.

Feedback comments list


Teachers can now choose from a prepopulated list of feedback comments on the quick grading and late work grading pages. Administrators will have to add the comments to the list and make them available for the site. Learn more

Grade report improvements


The grade report (courses) will now show the letter grades and scales. The report will show all students even if the student does not have any term grades in any of the courses. This feature can be turned off by the admins to show only the students with term grades. We have also added direct links to detailed aggregation of the grades for each student and assignment grade reports for courses. Grade reports

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